17 July 2018

Lifestyle:Working Women Wednesday

I remember the first time I met Shanrika Oliver almost five years ago. She had ran and ultimately placed in a pageant that I was interested the year before. She was tall and caramel toned and had an energy that beamed when you met her. I can vividly remember her and our conversation, which is pretty hard for me seeing as in how I forget things and people quickly. I guess you can say it's a blessing and curse at the same time. Over the years we have remained in contact with each other and whenever I have events from book bag drives to donating gifts to children in need. Mrs. Oliver is always there willing and ready to participate.

So when I got wind of her creating her empire  Gorgeous Matters an event and hosting company. I was both excited and happy for her new business endeavour. In order to really understand Mrs. Oliver you have to know her story and what an amazing story it is. Let's just say with all the cards stacked against her and society weighing in on her, she has managed to come out a true diamond in the rough. I feel as if we as women have to shine light on other women that are legit doing their thing. It's so easy to salute another woman and help her shine just as bright. I have decided to showcase one beautiful woman a week that is making an impact.

If you are in the Miami/Broward area and are looking for someone who is amazing, knowledgeable and passionate about hosting your event don't walk but run to Gorgeous Matters!
On this Wednesday My very first Spotlight goes to You Mrs. Shanrika Oliver I salute you!

TEL: 786.519.1187

If you have know a woman who deserves to be showcased and honored feel free to email me their story. I can't wait until next weeks entry!


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