23 February 2018

TRAVEL: California Dreaming

California is so beautiful and relaxing from the Singers on the Santa Monica Pier to the beautiful art work decorating the walls and boardwalk. The Feeling of Cali feels surreal so I had to ask the question  Am I Dreaming?

Details: Jacket/Micahel Kors Pant &Tank Top: Ava and Viv Bag: MCM  Shoes: Puma 

I have always dreamed of visiting Los Angeles, I mean it is the epitome of everything you see on the tube.  A beach bum at heart I couldn't wait to visit some of Los Angeles beautiful beaches and experience some of the food. It honestly Started off great! Upon arriving at LAX I entered a rental trolley that took me to pick up my rental car. I had originally chose a standard compact car but upon my arrival none were available and I was allowed to upgrade for free and guess what I chose?

A Beetle! 

My First stop was food and out of all the things I could've chose to eat I found myself standing in a line wrapped around a building at In & Out. I have obsessed over the burger ever since I saw Rob Kardashian come out in the middle of the night for it on the Kardashian Show. If it could get him out of the house and risk him facing the media, it definitely was worth a try. It really didn't disappoint from the soft bun to the perfectly melted cheese I understand now what the fuss was about. I didn't care for the fries but the burger by itself was definitely good and inexpensive, two meal were under $15. When in California In & Out is definitely a Must Have.

 Venice Beach

I  visited the infamous "Muscle Beach" the walk was amazing and the parking was actually way better than I had anticipated. I wanted to rent a bike but after walking halfway I decided a walk would suffice. The Walkway is filled with vendors selling everything from handcrafted statues to jokes for
$ 0.25. I must admit Cali is a definitely a free spirited vibe. 

 Details: Sweat Suit: Curvy Chic Boutique Shoes: Puma 

I was a typical tourist and decided to get a Henna Tattoo which, I loved! It cost $30 but you could shop around for a cheaper price. It lasted around 2 weeks and I received plenty of compliments on it upon my arrival back home.

I watched Insecure like the rest of the world  and  couldn't leave Cali without visiting The Dunes Apartments. I was expecting a line or people standing around for a photo op but honestly there was no one there and yes it's an actual apartment complex. The tenants living there seemed to be used to visitors, some just walked passed me as if they had seen it a thousand times. 

I attempted to keep Everything Casual....In California the vibe is so Casual you definitely don't want to look like the person that's over doing it.

Details: Jacket Lane Bryant Jeans: Ava & Viv  Shoes: Vans Bag: MCM

Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles are a Staple In California so you know I couldn't leave without visiting and between me and you I actually went twice. I chose to go to the original Roscoe's because honestly the reviews were way better. I'm glad that I followed my first mind because it had a down home feeling that I couldn't explain. It just felt like you were home from the music to the friendly staff and lets not get started on the food. 
Details: Shirt: ASOS  (sold out) Pants: Forever 21 Shoes: Vans 

California You Will Be Seeing me Soon!



  1. I’m an LA girl, born & raised. I’m so glad you enjoyed your time here! One tip about In N Out next time you come - order your fries animal style (topped with cheese, spread, and grilled onions) or if you want them plain order them well done. They’ll fry them longer so they’ll be crispy.

    1. oh now I can't wait to try it next time, thank you so much for the tip!


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