16 February 2018


      When I decided to become a blogger I decided a long time ago  I was in it for the long haul.  While some live in the spotlight I actually run away from it. I like my two lives to be kept semi separate because one thing I've learned about the Internet is that their are some cold blooded people in this world. Instead of  inviting the world to front row seats to my sometimes difficult life i decided to take a break!  I completely stepped back and gave myself time to breathe and recollect my thoughts and advance in other aspects of my life. So with that being said lets catch up so were on the same page lol. I'll start with the Good Stuff and Then work my way down to the not so good stuff. 

I Got Promoted!

  I have worked in Law Enforcement for over 13 Years and I had never even dreamed of being someones supervisor. It was thanks to one of my Co-Worker/Friend and partner at the time who inspired me to want more out of my career. It took over a year to study and I literally read over 3,000 Pages of My Departments Policy and Procedures. I was scared out of my mind honestly. To have to be responsible for other people was a huge responsibility and task. I knew that I had done the work and was prepared to be tested on it.
A few weeks later the results were in  and BAM I PASSED! I was eligible for a promotion after a panel interview from my colleagues. This was one of the Happiest Moments of my Life. I had actually put my mind to something and excelled at it. 

So I got my passport late 2016 and I made a promise to myself that I would use it. I had mentally prepared myself to go on vacay by any means necessary (even if it meant alone). My first international trip was Jamaica. It had  amazing views of mountains and the ocean. The people were so friendly and the vibes were definitely on point from Dunns River Falls to the Ultimate Jerk everything was amazing. 


A few months later I was on a plane again on my way to Aruba for my gal pal birthday celebration. I loved Aruba the pink flamingos and the entire stay was amazing a bit pricey but it was to be expected when traveling during the peak season. 

I know for some bloggers traveling would be the perfect photo op but sometimes you just have to unplug from the world to protect your sanity.


I had a Broken Heart:

Now lets be clear relationships come and go but sometimes they feel as if they are supposed to last forever.  In 2017 I chose to end a 3 year relationship with my partner. It wasn't easy and I struggle daily even now to cope and come to grasp with what has happened. So lets say I went into my shell and began a journey to find happiness within myself.

All of these things played a contributing factor in my hiatus however over the weekend I visited ATL for the hair show and got my entire life from a complete stranger. She smiled and I smiled back and then she approached asking if I was a blogger. I shyly nodded my head and she went on to tell me how I inspired her and gave her confidence as a plus size blogger. 

When I tell you my spirit was so happy to know I didn't do this for nothing and although I haven't been around  I can still have and affect on this whole body positive movement. So I'm back like I never left! I blog because I love it and sometimes with love you have to take a step back to discover your love for it ALL over again. So as long as I have someone reading I will be Writing!




  1. Replies
    1. thank you I was so scared to restart everything but I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do! it truly is my passion.

  2. So glad to see that you're back!

    1. Thank you for reading and visiting my blog, it feels good to be back!

  3. Welcome back! Your blog and your online boutique was the first blog I followed, online purchase and my inspiration to consider blogging which was short lived. Sincere congrats on your promotion as well!!


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